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The T101R/7V DIODE and SCR tester puts the sophisticated testing capability of high-priced, specialized units into a portable package that is economically priced and easy to use. It includes provisions for checking DIODES and SCR’s (includes axial leads, stud mount, and flat packs) for opens, shorts, leaks, and breakdown under actual operating conditions. The leakage test applies a continuously variable peak voltage from 0 to 7,000 volts. This test shows if the DIODE or SCR will breakdown under operating conditions and is monitored by a peak reading DC voltmeter and ammeter. A built-in current trip disconnects power if the leakage current exceeds 15 milliamps during DIODE tests or 10 milliamps during SCR tests. The SCR gating test checks gate control characteristics and provides a means of matching SCR’s according to their gate-current characteristics. This test is also monitored by a DC voltmeter and ammeter. The T101R/7V is a compact 20″W x 16″D x 7″H inches and it operates on 120 VAC, 60 Hz line voltages. An easy to use instruction plate is included inside the front cover. Unit comes with test leads and compressor block. For 120 VAC, 50 Hz models, consult the factory. Additional 240/120 VAC step down transformers is included in the 50 Hz models.
The following models are offered along with T101R/7V :
- T101R/7V … For 7000 VAC peak voltage tests
- T101R/7V-1 … For 7000 VAC peak voltage, 120 VAC input and 60 Hz
- T101R/7V-2 … For 7000 VAC peak voltage, 120 VAC input and 50 Hz
The demonstration for T101R/7V is available at here. Please review the demonstration. It will help you determine if this product is suitable for your applications. This unit has been used in the industry for over 20 years.

20″W x 16″D x 7″H
This unit has been the industry standard for the last 20 years, and is a must for every maintenance department. If you would like more information, please contact us at 714 624-4740, or send us an email at quote@cehco.com.